Pioneer:Abbos Musaboyev, Nora Castrica, Hamza Mustaffa, Jimmy Xie
City:Uzbekistan, Hungary and Italy, Jordan, Hongkong
Project Name:Renewal
Tags:#selfdiscovery #15dayrenewalchallenge #restoring #selfcare #selflove #change
Influence:90 Instagram followers

 Our project aims to help people recover from the pandemic, both physically and mentally. We have created a website and an Instagram for that purpose. On both you can find very in depth information on activities you can do to get better as well as a 15 day renewal challenge to regain a healthy lifestyle. Everyone"s life has been altered by COVID-19 but that doesn"t mean that that change should be permanent.

Self Intro:

We"re a group of students who created a project thanks to YYGS, throughout the simulation project hours, we managed to become friends and create a project that we"re really proud of. We"ve discovered that we have many differences since we come from different countries and cultures but one thing links us :we"ve all struggled with our mental health a lot during the pandemic. That is why we would like to help others who deal with the same things we did/do.

Project Link